A collection of developer journals for the Battlefleet Gothic mod for Sins of a Solar Empire.
Bringing the Warhammer 40k universe to Sins
Published on December 8, 2008 By xthetenth In Sins Modding

The Battlefleet Gothic mod is now compatible with Entrenchment 1.041 as of 1/17/10, and has a new version (1.30) out as of 1/17/10

This mod contains the Imperial navy in a fully modelled state, and Chaos, the Tau and the Orks in a proxied state.



-A research tree (unlocks, colonization, fleet supply, cap ship crews and long range jumps are quite literally all that's there (well, there's a missile tech, but it doesn't do much, and you WILL be able to get late game ships early)

-GUI elements. some 2D icons aren't done yet, and the ones we have are a bit odd. They will be fixed eventually.

Things that we know about (IE we know about it and it's odd, but it's either a design decision which will be explained or something not implemented):

-Counter description text. It's wildly off and somewhat arbitrary, but the ship descriptions are pretty good and should give the player a decent idea of what to expect, and I'll write more on them on our forum (link here).

-Shield Mitigation. It's gone, but it says it's at 15%. Trust me, it's gone.

-The Emperor Battleship. As a compromise on its heavy dorsal armament that can be fired to either broadside, we made it have the strength of the dorsals and a broadside point forward, and slightly stronger broadsides. We think it works pretty well, but please tell us what you think.

-Chaos ships and tau ships in the Additional Races Compendium are odd. The chaos prow weapons are locked to fire left, so they can broadside well to one side without turning into brawlers and tau weapons are locked forwards so they can concentrate fire, but they lost their ability to fire at half strenth to the sides because multi-arc weapons are impossible in sins as far as I know.

-No stock sins races. GW wouldn't let us include them, and they have a very different gameplay mechanic anyway, and need a very different setup for damage types, much to my chagrin, seeing as I want to know how it'd end up .


Okay, now that that's out of the way, we can get to the fun stuff. The ships are working great. If you know the tabletop game you'll know the key things that I need to tell everybody else so they understand the game.

-Ships turn and fire SLOWLY. You need to think ahead, and you can fit in a lot of micro if you know what you're doing. This is intentional.

-Shields recharge VERY VERY VERY VERY FAST. This is a legacy of it being a tabletop game where focusing fire is a big achievement. Shields will fully recharge in the time it takes for you to fire a second salvo of your weapons. Firepower supremacy is big here, and so is using your weapons to their utmost. However, hulls repair rather slowly, so protect them.

-Ships will go up like popcorn, even caps if your fleets get big enough. A fully experienced cap has quite a bit of damage absorbing ability, but it isn't even close to invincible. They're about twice as valuable as a cruiser, and if you're careful, can absorb 3 times as much damage easily. It's a great bargain, but they will die, don't get attached to them.

-Oh right, cruisers. There are cruisers in this game, and frigates are now fragile scouts and flankers. Frigates are cheap, expendable, and surprisingly dangerous in numbers. Cruisers are a lot bigger, much tougher, and carry a good bit more firepower, but a really big price tag. Battleships come in on top, and are really durable, and host a lot of long ranged firepower.

-The weapons are different too. Weapons batteries and Lances are your basic weapons. Lances are focused beams of energy that do best against escorts (accuracy) and armored ships (penetration power, but with just the imperials that isn't that big an issue). Weapons batteries are massed guns that do best against battleships because they can actually be expected to hit a lot. They aren't that different, and the range and strength of the guns means more than their type. Torpedoes are great. They punch through shields 100% of the time, but tend to drop off against bigger targets, which boast the point defense turrets to shoot most of them down. They make great escort killers, and are your best weapon in smaller fights.

-Attack Craft (fighters and bombers) are also very different, they come in squadrons abstracted to one ship, and are much more fragile. They're also much more dangerous. They, like torpedoes pierce shields and can do a lot of damage, especially against smaller ships (including cruisers, battleships are nasty to them though). However, every ship has turrets that can kill them, but if they stagger their waves, they can hit home very hard. They also replenish quite fast until their parent ship runs out of antimatter, so they're really quite good. Fighters are quite capable at interception duties, if you have more fighters than the enemy, your bombers will be able to strike enemy ships while your ships are safe from enemies.


Please note!

-Planet capturing is quite different from in standard sins. The transport is your one stop shop for planetary warfare and colonization. They land troops instead of bombarding. The whole idea is a little bitcomplicated, and I encourage anybody who's interested to read the thread I'll post on our forum shortly. The short version is that you build transports, use their bombardment ability to pound your enemies into dust, and then return them to the munitorum depots (they have the advent antimatter recharger icon for now, shouldn't be hard to find on the screen) to refill. It should especially suit the Imperium's style of defend and counterattack.


Now that you know the basics of the game, you can download the mod here:

DOWNLOAD (7ZIP, 109 MB) (This should work properly but I've been having lots of problems with it, if not, please tell me so I can remove the link while I fix it. )

7zip or winrar both can open 7zip files, and both are available for free, and much smaller than 50 MB.


And please visit our forum at Modcraft if you want to learn more about the mod and what to expect, volunteer or give detailed feedback:



Dev Journals: These guides will help you know what to expect in the future and understand the current state of the gameplay.

Dev Journal 1: Ships of the Imperium It explains all the imperial ships and their fleet's way of fighting. Should be useful.

Dev Journal 2: Fleet tactics of the Imperium It focuses on the use of the Imperial ships in a fleet. Definitely good food for thought, may apply more to tabletop than the mod, I need to test the theories some before I fully endorse them.

Gratuitous screenies:

Gothic class cruiser pummeling a dictator class cruiser

Gothic class cruisers pummeling a Dictator class cruiser with lances and torpedoes


Retribution class Battleship firing at an enemy cruiser

Retribution class battleship firing its prow lances and torpedoes at an enemy cruiser.

Finally, the trailer for the Imperium (thanks again, Thrawn!)


Comments (Page 49)
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on Jul 18, 2010

Sounds good to me.

on Jul 23, 2010

awesome! well hope it comes soon.. btw just a question have you ever given thought about HW2? and modding that? some one had a BF mod too on there look awesome but stopped for reasons idk and that person should be shot IMO  cause he shoulda passed it on to some one else to finish. but on HW2 it looks like the game would be much more fluent heres the mod i was talking about....  http://forums.relicnews.com/showthread.php?t=73395

on Jul 25, 2010

1 dieonara is a fem to my best knowledge =P

2 when we were first considering this mod we contacted her and asked about helping or continuing her mod and we never got a response.

3 HW2 is a much more dificult game to mod than SINS and so there is no way we could have produced the mod so quickly with a 3 man team if it was on HW. maby another time we might try it but at the moment a combination of dificulty and age of the game means i personaly would much preffer to go for a newer game than an older one, one day they will release a game with similar capabilities to HW2 and when that day comes i will mod it =P

on Aug 01, 2010

Will you make a version for the vanilla Sins? Pleeeease this looks awesoooome

on Aug 02, 2010

Homeworld 2 did have a Battlefleet Gothic mod in production a long time ago, but Games Workshop killed it*. I'm really rather impressed that you guys managed to get permission, GW has a long history of squashing mod projects based on their games.

Maybe they've changed their minds?

I heard that this mod had been killed by college, can you confirm that it's still alive?

* I say that, but I can't find any evidence right now, they definitely have killed plenty of other projects, though (space hulk and blood bowl games recently)

on Aug 03, 2010

The HW2 mod was not shut down the modder simply didnt have time to continue (she was doing it single handedly) and so it was put in stasis, she has since lost the assets that she had and so never re started.

if you look up a few posts you will see that i have stated that we are still alive we are just slowly getting things going again after a bit of a break.

on Aug 25, 2010

Are Space Marines going to have their own faction independent of the IN?

on Sep 18, 2010

hope all is well and on track... forums are quiet


watching dawn of victory looks pretty cool.. seems to be alot of action packed goodness in it.. hope this mod will be the same way soon! 


after playing bfg mod.. i feel it would be better for ships to engage at closer range.. currently you barely see anything fighting each other in close up.. cause you barely see the shooting effects which i know are being worked on from a post from a while ago, but i would think it would be more epic to have ships duking it out at close range and consistantly moving to make it a better fight.. i really hope a release comes soon with new stuff, effect fixes and improvements 

on Sep 21, 2010

hmmm... i have a slight problem, if anyone can help that'll be great.


i have installed the mod - 109mb version 1.30

enabled okay (although it says version 0.2v in game)


i setup a quick 2 player game as imperial and chaos.... however all structures and ships are invisible! i can see ships being built and buildings being built, but once complete they vanish. i can only see them by the icons and exhaust trails.


any ideas?



might have found the problem. i have the trinty version which auto-updates entrenchment to 1.05. (says in bottom corner when on games main screen)


looked at afew other pages and found i can update the mod using a program harpo mod updater.




new problem, i followed the directions; create a new folder called; mods-entrenchment 1.041 and put the bfg mod in that.


i open the harpo and it finds the location of mods. i double click file 1.041 so i can see the bfg mod. i click set as location and bham!!!!  runtime error 76 everytime

according the instructions when i press it to should set destination as mod folder 1.05... however it just sets as the sins of solar empire. which is probably why it crashes. but i cant see anyway around that?

on Sep 21, 2010

the usual cause of the invisible planet/ship problem is five files in the pipelineeffect folder in the mod


just delete the five files from the mod's pipelineeffect folder and you should be able to see everything again

the runtime 76 error is path not found, which suggests you do not have the destination folder it is looking for. the destination folder (assuming you have the mod updater from the 1.191+e+d rar then it would be looking for the 'Mods-Entrenchment v1.051' folder and not finding it.

my utilities do not create the mods-*v#.### folders, but they ARE created by the starting of the sins/entrenchment/diplomacy after updating.



on Sep 21, 2010



checked pipelineeffect folder, was only the ship.fx file, i deleted that and invisible ships and buildings are back!





regarding the mod updater, lol it took me awhile to understand what you said etc... i don't have patch 1.051, just 1.05. so i guess that explains that then.



oh P.S. anyone know why theres a gap under imperial cruisers bridges? took a quick look at my BFG models and no gap. is that disgened/modelled that way?

on Sep 22, 2010

Had a nice long play etc... one of the best mods i've played to date for sins, and its still only very WIP.


seriously impressed with this mod, looking good and loving the massive ranges.


one big problem i dont like. the ships die waaaay too fast. if i blink i missed my cruisers and frigs being blown up.

i like the shield regen but hull/armour is too low.


theres another mod im playing now, BSG mod... Sins of the 13th tribe. a battlestar galactica mod. it too is a great mod, but features something that this mod needs.  the capital ships in that mod are powerful in hull/armour... some having 30-40k hull... it literally takes minutes to take one one out. makes for great epic battles.


it would be great if that feature was in this mod, although in this case the cruisers having sick hull/armour so you can have a mega super long ranged battle.



p.s. kinda makes sense too as fluff wise, BFG battles take many hours to days to conclude, due to massive weapons ranges and epic time to move the ships/fleets.




on Dec 07, 2010

is this one still a goer?

on Dec 15, 2010

saddly i don't think so probably is now dead

on Jan 04, 2011

If mod is dead is there a site where the efforts at ship designs, textures, notes and entity files etc can be cached for others to use privately to develop their own games further.

I have a longing for the game on some engine and a data cache may assist others in speeding up the process if there is a repository of all the work done on this project by others.



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